Sergio Tisselli

Golden Romics of the XVII edition

The historical comic book in Italy is signed by Sergio Tisselli, Golden Romics 2015. Sergio Tisselli was born in Bologna in 1957, but currently lives and works in Vado. At the age of twenty-three he began writing short stories and illustrating subjects scripted by other authors with Editrice Rizzoli for Corrier Boy Music. He graduated in Modern History with a degree thisis on La Peste a Bologna (The plague in Bologna) which was to become  the script for a comic book story composed of 44 coloured tables: La costellazione del cane ( The Dog constellation). In his artistic production history has always played a key role. In the early 90s he met on his way master Magnus (Roberto Raviola) with whom he worked on the story Le avventure di Giuseppe Pignata, initially published in 120 coloured tables on the magazine Nova Express by Luigi Bernardi and subsequently collected in three volumes by Granata Press. Thereafter Tisselli drew two stories on texts by Marco Caroli: Il Satanone Bolognone and L’iperbolica Pomata, followed by Quarzo tesoro nascosto, La locanda dei misteri, published by Savena Setta Sambro. For six-monthly magazine of same publisher, two years later, he drew La storia della Bellosta che ballò col diavolo. With the collaboration of Lucio Filippucci he created the covers of Martin Mystère – L’integrale by Hazard Edizioni, then in 2003 is published Kim for the same Milan publishing house, comics book version of Kipling’s novel on texts by Valerio Rontini. For Lo Scarabeo Edizioni  he created a series of tarot cards whose subject are the Vikings, followed by a second series dedicated to Native Americans. On texts by Giovanni Brizzi, he illustrated Occhio di Lupo with abundance of details, a first volume dedicated to the character of Ducario, for whom Tisselli in first instance was inspired by the face of Schwarzenegger. They are currently working on the second volume, Foreste di morte. He has also created the series of plates in limited edition Lampi sul West. Armi Storiche dell’Ovest Americano. At present he is working with Bonelli on Tex a colori a single episode which is about to release.