Susanna Schimperna | Romics

Susanna Schimperna

Susanna Schimperna (born 7 November 1955) is a writer, journalist and astrologer.
He directed the monthly comics and erotic imagery «Blue», the weekly satire «The Heart» and the astrological magazines «Astrorama» and «Your sign».
He has designed and conducted programs for Radio2 and Radio3 and for the television station La7.
He currently collaborates on Lo Specchio della Stampa, Tv Sorrisi & Canzoni, Telepiù, Diva e Donna, Vinile, L'Unità, Huffington Post, Anime cult, Pressenza-International Press Agency.
His most recent book is The Last Page - From Vladimir Majakovskij to David Foster Wallace, from Cesare Pavese to Virginia Woolf, stories of writers who decided to take their own lives.

In Programma

Fri 05 Apr 15:00 - 15:50


Francesco Coniglio - Editore libero

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